Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Leiby Kletzky AH

Hashem yiracheim.  What a tragic story.
They found his body.  Nebach.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

In Weed We Trust, all others pay cash

By far the best story of the day...

Someone told me a story I need to share, I love it and it is true. 

A guy was doing work at someone's house, when it came time for payment, they started shmoozing about how sometimes, people just barter their services with each other.  The worker explained how it is very nice and all, but I take real live 21st century money.  Because this isnt the Oregon Trail yaknow??

They continued talking, and the worker said something to the effect of "you look like someone who grows your own weed" to which the workee's face turned pale white and he replied  increduosly "CAN YOU SMELL IT???"

Long story short, the guy only paid him in the greens....and I dont mean cash..

Great Idea

4 tbs flour
4 tbs sugar
2 Tbs Cocoa
2 tbs water
2 tbs oilDash of salt

Mix really really well, and put this all in a mug and microwave it for 2 minutes.  You will enjoy this, it is one of those hot molten chocolate cakes and it really tastes good and it is super easy, and you almost always have this stuff lying around the house.

Tell me what you think fellow Malaysians, Germans and Americans...

Why didn't I ever think of this?

This is my hero...

If I had a nickel everytime

If I had a nickel every time I thought of something to post, but didn't post it, I would probably be rich, but that pretty much doesn't reflect well on whatever I have posted, that stuff actually made the cut, could you imagine what didn't?


Ok, the stats are in. I have been getting some hits! Nice!  Guess what I got 4 hits already from Malaysia.  I am bewildered by how on earth they found me, but I am more bewildered at the fact that I actually used the word bewildered in a sentence. Was it my broad array of content, was it my cuttingly sharp wit?  I guess I never will know until I visit Malaysia and get a feel for the nuances of Malaysian society.  Gotta put that on the calendar, next vacation Malaysia.  Where is Malaysia?  Do I need any special shots?

Something random

Sunday, we made some price updates on our site.  Sometimes, these need to be tried and tested.  We updated our amazon feed and within a short amount of time, we got 4 orders on a Sunday within minutes of each other.  Something was certainly cooking. When we looked into it, we saw that the reason it was moved like wildfire is we were selling it at below OUR cost!  Saavy amazon shoppers who were searching for these particular products snatched them up. By the time it came to purchase the items from our suppliers, I realized we were gonna lose money on it with shipping costs and other little details.  So I deceided to see if i could buy it retail somewhere else.  Guess what...the cheapest place to buy it was on AMAZON, again. I was selling it on amazon for cost, and they were selling it there for cheap as well.  (Amazon has plenty of different companies with feeds.)  I don't know if they were selling it so cheap based on our pricing, because how could EVERYONE's pricing change so quickly based on our updates? Didn't make sense, but who knows? Anyone out there know anything about this? So anyway, I bought a product on amazon for the price we were selling it for, actually we made 2 bucks and got to save our name and didn't have to cancel the order.